1.7261Ha Vacant Land in High Gate, Blue Downs. |
Going on Auction: Wednesday 28 August 2024
Reserve Price: P.O.A. (All offers will be reviewed)
Non-refundable 10% commission plus VAT over and above the purchase price to Rawson Auctions on fall of the hammer (Payable by the buyer)
This vast stretch of vacant land is well located in a residential hub and comes with Subdivision Plans and Storm Water Management plan. The initial intention includes a service station as indicated on such documents. Perfect for an affordable housing project. Residential price trends in the area have shown consistent growth since 2018.
Rawson Auctions (Southern Region) are obligated by law to market the property at the Reserve Price as listed herein. A “Reserve Price” is a minimum Rand amount the Seller will accept as the winning bid, and is not necessarily the property’s market value, nor the amount the property is likely to be sold for on the day of the auction. The Seller reserves the right to consider all offers.
ERF Size 1.700 ha Rates R481